Being one of the most well-known specialties in Can Tho cuisine, dried mango salad with colorful fish is a preferred dish in daily meals of the Southern. The reason is its main ingredients are easy to find and the recipe is also very simple so that almost every amateur cook can make this dish. Dried mango salad with colorful fish – a perfect combination of grilled colorful fish and sliced unripe mango is one of the things that make travellers never forget Can Tho

In Vietnam Mekong Delta region, during fishing season local people often choose fresh colorful fish, as big as a hand then clean and dry them after soaking them in salt water for about an hour. Gourmets prefer dried fish than fresh fish because fresh flesh is not solid but friable but on the other hand, a sun dried colorful fish is really a specialty. Visit Can Tho with Indochina tours

Dried colorful fish tastes good after being grilled and served with pepper salt or fried. The flavor of this specialty is unique thanks to salt and the natural sweetness from the flesh, especially when all these ingredients are mixed with unripe mango. Dried mango salad with colorful fish is considered as one of the most favorite drunk foods by men

If you have a chance to visit a local people house in South West Vietnam and enjoy the special dried mango salad with colorful fish in Can Tho, you will feel that you are the luckiest people in the world and cannot help but praising. If you want to buy this specialty as a gift or make it by your own hand, you can enter a restaurant in Can Tho, a kg of fried colorful fish costs about a little bit more than 300,000 VND. Mekong river tours

The strong flavor of colorful fish combined with the aroma of laksa leaves and sour taste of mango, fish sauce and sugar and carrots all together create a very attractive specialty in the countryside in the Western Vietnam.
Food lovers.
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